Fellowship Activities
Pet Blessing Service: October 6 We joined with our Methodist and Episcopalian partners to lift up one of the ways in which we experience love in this world. Our relationship with our pets.
Carribean-Style Holiday Dinner: Dec 7 The Congregational Life team invited everyone for an evening of food, culture, and fellowship. Church Trip to Planetarium: Jan 4 We visited MSU to see The Christmas Star together Spaghetti fundraiser for TeacHaiti: Feb 16 Stay after church to enjoy a good meal and good fellowship for a good cause. This is a joint offering of the Congregational Life and Christian Ed committees and will advance our ministry to students in Haiti. Shrove Tuesday: March 4 This is the liturgical name for Mardi Gras/Carnival. We will observe the day with pancakes, fun, and revelry before we shift into the more disciplined season of Lent. 6pm at DL United Methodist See our Newsletter for specific schedules. Friendship Hour: Sundays 11:00 a.m. following the Worship Service Youth Activities/Events: Sometimes we partner with other churches for these events
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